Gay Marriage Gay News Gay Phone Chat

Gay marriage bill: Lords to debate ‘wrecking amendment’

A “wrecking amendment” which seeks to derail the gay marriage bill will be debated in the House of Lords later.

The Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill for England and Wales would allow couples, who can currently form civil partnerships, to marry. Religious organisations would have to “opt in” to offering weddings, with the Church of England and Church in Wales being banned in law from doing so.

Close up of men's hands as they get married and one places a ring on the other

Ministers believe that allowing same-sex couples to marry will strengthen marriage as an institution.

Last week, former Archbishop of Canterbury Lord Carey warned same-sex marriage would set a “dangerous precedent” which could lead to sibling marriage or polygamy. In an article for think tank Civitas, he said did not want to be “alarmist”, but said it could logically be extended to “say, two sisters bringing up children together” or “multiple relationships, such as two women and one man”.

“Ultimately, the proposed legalisation of same-sex marriage represents a paradigm shift in our understanding of marriage,” he said.

Mr Cameron hopes the bill will become law soon and that the first ceremonies can take place by next summer.

The Scottish government has confirmed it will introduce a bill shortly to allow same-sex marriage.

To read more on this story please follow this link.

Coming out as gay Gay Marriage Gay News Gay Phone Chat

Splits expected as MPs prepare to debate gay marriage

Splits expected as MPs prepare to debate gay marriage;

Plans to legalise same-sex marriage in England and Wales return to the Commons later, amid continuing opposition from some Conservative activists and MPs.

Close up of men's hands at their wedding

The Marriage Bill was approved by a 225-vote majority when it was last debated by MPs in February, but nearly half of all Tories voted against it and many party activists remain deeply opposed to it in principle. Some critics have tabled an amendment saying heterosexual couples should be able to have civil partnerships.

But ministers call this a “complicated distraction” which may delay the bill.

David Cameron has said the bill would help build a stronger and fairer society, and the bill also has the backing of the Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg and Labour Leader Ed Miliband.

Far from being a wrecking measure, some of the strongest support for my amendment to extend civil partnerships comes from the biggest supporters of same-sex marriage in the Labour and Lib Dem parties” – Tim Loughton MP

To read the full article please visit this link.


Coming out as gay Gay News Gay Phone Chat

NBA player Jason Collins comes out as gay

NBA player Jason Collins comes out as gay, the first active male athlete in a major American professional team sport to do so.

 He announced “I’m a 34-year-old NBA center. I’m black. And I’m gay.”

President Barack Obama and the sportswear company ‘Nike’ were 2 among many of those expressing public support towards Jason’s news. On Monday, Mr Obama, who last year announced his support for gay marriage, called Collins to tell him he was impressed with his courage and offer his support, the White House said.

His daughter, Chelsea, who knew Collins when they were both students at California’s Stanford University, tweeted: “Very proud of my friend Jason Collins for having the strength and courage to be the first openly gay player in the NBA.”

In the Sports Illustrated article, Collins, who has most recently played for the Washington Wizards and the Boston Celtics, said:

“I didn’t set out to be the first openly gay athlete playing in a major American team sport. But since I am, I’m happy to start the conversation. I wish I wasn’t the kid in the classroom raising his hand and saying, ‘I’m different.’ If I had my way, someone else would have already done this. Nobody has, which is why I’m raising my hand.”

Collins, who has played 11 seasons in the NBA with six teams and is not currently attached to a team, said he had tried to suppress his feelings through relationships with women.

“When I was younger I dated women. I even got engaged,” he said. “I thought I had to live a certain way. I thought I needed to marry a woman and raise kids with her. I kept telling myself the sky was red, but I always knew it was blue.”

To read more on this article, click here.

Gay News Gay Phone Chat

New Zealand legalises same-sex marriage!

New Zealand’s parliament has legalised same-sex marriage, the first country in the Asia-Pacific region to do so.

Despite opposition from Christian lobby groups, lawmakers have approved the bill, amending the 1995 marriage act! The bill passed with a huge majority, 77 votes in favour compared to the 44 votes against. Hundreds of gay rights advocates celebrated outside parliament after the bill was passed, they called it a milestone for equality. (The image above shows people gathering in bars and clubs to celebrate the results.)

People watching from the public gallery and some lawmakers immediately broke into song, singing the New Zealand love song “Pokarekare Ana”, AP news agency reported.

Labour MP Louisa Wall, who introduced the legislation, said. – “In our society, the meaning of marriage is universal – it’s a declaration of love and commitment to a special person.” “Nothing could make me more proud to be a New Zealander than passing this bill,” she added.

To read the full article please follow this link.

Gay Phone Chat

Gay Adult Chat Gets A Facelift!

Gay Adult Chat logo - two male signs with Gay Adult Chat written across the bottomGay Adult Chat has been running for over 5 years and we have become one of the largest and cheapest gay chat sites here in the UK. We’ve given our website a nice facelift and we’re happy with it – you’ll see we’ve gone all blue and orange which I’m sure you’ll agree suits us very well.

We would like to thank all our customers for their continued support so please keep calling, texting and dating.

The Gay Adult Chat team.

Gay Phone Chat

Useful Tips When Meeting Guys on Gay Chat Lines

Joining a gay chat line is a very convenient and effective way to find a gay partner. It allows you to have conversations with gay men from all over the world, find out about their personalities and interests, and arrange dates with them. However, you should be aware that there are dishonest and dangerous people who frequent gay chat lines to take advantage of unsuspecting gay people. As such, it is essential that you take certain measures to keep yourself safe. Here are a number of safety tips for chatting with gay men on gay chat lines:

man in pink tshirt and light blue jeans looking at the camera

Take It Slow

It is important that you do not get into a serious relationship too soon. Spend some time to get to know your potential partners first and look out for inconsistencies and odd behavior. Rely on your instincts. If someone makes you feel uncomfortable, you should just remove him from your list of contacts.

Protect Your Identity

It is best that you join a gay chat line does not require you to reveal too much personal information and provides a high level of confidentiality. When you are chatting with your contacts, make sure that you do not share important information such as social security number, bank account number, and credit card number. If anyone tries to pressure you into disclosing such information, you should stop contacting him immediately.

Check His Background

Before you decide to meet or start a serious relationship with someone, you should perform a background check on him first. Ask him questions about his life and background, and do research on the Internet. You can also get advice from other members of the chat line who know him.

Meet Only When You are Ready

Do not get pressured into meeting with someone. You should only arrange a meeting when you feel that you are ready. Avoid meeting guys who have been dishonest with you or shown inappropriate behavior.

Look Out for Red Flags

When you are communicating with gay men on chat lines, you should pay attention to displays of frustration, anger, or attempts to manipulate or pressure you. Also, avoid communicating with people who show passive-aggressive behavior or make disrespectful or demeaning comments.

Meet in a Safe Place

When you finally decide to meet a potential love interest in person, you should choose a safe meeting place. The best meeting place will be a familiar public place such as a coffee shop or restaurant that you visit regularly. Before you leave for the meeting, let a friend know where you will be meeting your date and when you will be going home. Also, give your date’s telephone number to your friend.

Leave if You Feel Unsafe

If your date starts to behave in a way that makes you feel unsafe, you should try to leave immediately. If you are confused and do not know what to do, call a friend to get advice, seek help from someone at the scene, or just leave. You should not feel embarrassed about leaving, because your safety is more important than your date’s opinion of you.

Gay Phone Chat

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