Gay Dating

Gay Dating: Secure That All Important Second Date


Two men on a date looking at each other whilst clinking wine glasses

Gay dating. You’re meeting up with someone you’ve met on Gay Adult Chat for the first time and want to make the best first impression. If you really like them, you’re going to want to get a second date in the bag. So what can you do to make sure you get it? Our tips below will help.

Make sure you’re on time.
It wouldn’t create the best first impression if you’re late on your first date with someone. Make sure you leave extra time for your journey to allow for any mishaps, as well as plenty of time to get ready beforehand. If you do end up running late, make sure you inform your date so they don’t think you’ve stood them up!

Dress appropriately for your date.
When going to a nice restaurant, make sure you wear something nice and make an effort. Equally if you’re just meeting for coffee, there’s no need to go overboard. You don’t need to spend hours worrying about your outfit, but your date will notice if you’ve put a bit of effort in.

Ask questions.
Make sure you get to know your date properly by asking them questions. It shows that you’re interested if you bother to find out things about them. For example ask about their career, basic information about their family, where they grew up etc. Keep it light hearted though, they don’t need to feel like they’re in an interview!

Make eye contact.
The best way to show your date that you’re interested is to maintain eye contact when they’re talking. This shows that you’re listening and paying attention to what they’re saying.
You can also see if they’re interested in you and what you’re saying if they’re maintaining eye contact with you as well.

Make sure there are no ‘barriers’ between you.
Try not to fold your arms or cross your legs as this creates a physical barrier between you and can portray that you’re not very open towards your date. You may also want to move things on the table so you have a better and clearer view of them whilst you’re talking.

Don’t keep checking your phone.
It’s okay to check the time or check if there are any emergencies a couple of times whilst you’re out. However repeatedly checking your phone makes it look like you don’t want to be there and aren’t interested in your date.
They should be your main focus whilst you’re together and if you’re interested you’ll want them to think that. Make sure you’re not distracted.

Pay your date compliments.
Obviously this is only if they are genuine! Do you like his jacket? – tell him. If you think his shoes are nice – tell him. If you think he has lovely eyes – TELL HIM! It’s nice to know your date likes things about you. It’ll help give you an idea of whether they’re into you or not – so show your appreciation!

So, follow our gay dating tips and get that first date by chatting to single guys on Gay Adult Chat and follow our tips to secure a second!

Gay Phone Chat

Why Is Talking On The Phone So Beneficial For Your Relationship?

Joyful young man talking on the mobile phone and smiling while lying on sofa

It doesn’t matter if you’ve only just met or if you’ve been together for years, talking on the phone will always further your connection as a couple.

Our chatline is based around talking on the phone to other singles and we believe this is the best way to get to know someone before you meet them.

You can get a good idea of their sense of humour and what makes them tick. You can hear their tone of voice so you’re more likely to be able to get your point across and have a decent conversation.

You’ll also get immediate replies if you’re chatting one-to-one, rather than having to wait ages for them to text back!

Hearing someone’s voice is a big part of how attractive you find them. Voices are very personal and you’ll get a much better idea of someone by talking to them on the phone.

There’s also much less of a chance of what someone says being misinterpreted, which may cause friction and arguments, as you can immediately discuss it and put your point across much clearer than you would via a message.

If you would like to get chatting to singles in your area, call Gay Adult Chat today!

Gay Pride Events

Gay Pride Events 2019

Pride flag blowing in the wind against a blue slightly cloudy sky

A full list of UK gay pride events throughout 2019 to add to your calendar!


26thWinter Pride


22nd-24thStudent Gay Pride

23rdHampshire Pride


15th-18thUK Leather Pride


13thBury Pride


4thSwansea Pride

11thExeter Pride

25th-26thBirmingham Pride

25th – Rochdale Pride


1stNorthumberland Pride

1stOxford Pride

1st – Bradford Pride

8thBlackpool Pride

8th-9thCoventry Pride

8thYork Pride

15thEdinburgh Pride

15thEssex Pride

16thStoke on Trent Pride

20th-29thDublin Pride

22ndLancaster Pride

22nd – Suffolk Pride

22ndExmouth Pride

22ndThe Pink Picnic (Salford Pride)

29thColchester Pride

29thPride in the Park (Crewe)


1stBristol Pride

6th – Tameside Pride

6thPride in London

6th – Fife Pride

12th-14thSparkle Weekend (Manchester)

13thCroydon Pride

13thWorksop Pride

13th – Banbury Pride

13thWorthing Pride

13th-20thSouthend-on-Sea Pride

14th – Barnsley Pride

19th-21stNorthern Pride (Newcastle)

20thEastbourne Pride

20thFolkestone Pride

20thMorecambe Pride

20thPride in Hull

21stChesterfield Pride

22ndHappy Valley Pride (Hebden Bridge)

27th – Oldham Pride

27thNorwich Pride

27thSalisbury Pride

27thWest Lothian Pride

27th-28thWeston-Super-Mare Pride

28thStockport Pride


2nd-4thBrighton Pride

4thLeeds Pride

10thChester Pride

10thPride in Surrey

10thSwindon & Wiltshire Pride

10th – Perthshire Pride

10thMargate Pride

10thWigan Pride

11th – Wakefield Pride

17th – Tunbridge Wells Pride

17thDoncaster Pride

17thWarwickshire Pride

23rd-26thManchester Pride

23rd-25thPride Cymru

24thCornwall Pride

24th – Foyle Pride

31stHerts Pride

31stReading Pride

31stPride in Newry


7thEastleigh Pride

7thDerby Pride

7thTotnes Pride

14thMilton Keynes Pride

14thLondon Trans Pride

14thPride in Gloucestershire

14thBasildon Pride

21stBolton Pride

21stWorcestershire Pride

28thLincoln Pride

28thPreston Pride

28thCumbria Pride




Find someone to go to your nearest gay pride with! Get chatting to single guys from all over the UK on Gay Adult Chat today!

Gay Phone Chat

Avoid Expensive Access Charges When Calling From A Mobile

Joyful young man talking on the mobile phone and smiling while lying on sofa

Are you calling the Gay Adult Chat chat lines from your mobile? Then call our mobile short code – 84422 – for only 25p per minute from all mobile networks with NO access charges.

For example, if you are calling from a Vodafone mobile and you call our 0871 number, it will cost you 13p per minute plus their access charge of 55p per minute, so in total you would be spending 68p per minute.

If you made the same call using our mobile short code then you would only be charged 25 pence per minute with NO EXPENSIVE ACCESS CHARGES – that saves you 43p per minute!

See our table below for a comparison of all access charges.

NetworkMobile Access Charge (per minute)*Landline Access Charge (per minute)*
Tesco Mobile25pN/A
Virgin Mobile58pN/A
Virgin Media[Can be found on your bill &in  your contract]
N.B. Some providers have a 1 minute minimum charge.

 *Prices correct as of 9th October 2018. You should always check with your service provider.

** Vodafone users may need to ask for the premium rate bar to be removed to enable access to this service.

Alternatively, if you use our service a lot then think about setting up a prepaid credit or debit card account and use our freephone number to access the service.

This is the cheapest way to access our service and a great way to call Gay Adult Chat if you are calling from a mobile or don’t want any 08 numbers showing on your phone bill.

  • Open an account for £10 and we will give you 250 minutes of talk time – that’s just 4p per minute!
  • Further top-ups of £10 will buy 83 minutes of talk time
  • Top-ups can be done in units of £10, £20 or £30
  • Access the service on a freephone number


So what are you waiting for? Call Gay Adult Chat today!

Gay Dating

Try Our Great Mobile Dating!

Happy man using mobile phone at home in living room

Join in the fun on Gay Adult Chat mobile dating for FREE!

There are over 500,000 genuine UK members already signed up so get chatting to single gay guys in your area today!

All you have to do is tell us your age, your post code prefix and your mobile number (no one can see this) to start chatting!

It’s so much easier than online dating as it’s all done on your mobile and you only spend as much as you want. Joining is free and then you just top up your account to send messages to other members.

We have thousands of new guys joining and messaging each other each week. So join and feel free to search, phone chat and cruise our fit members.

We’re the ultimate gay social network for guys looking to meet new friends, hook up or find a partner so what are you waiting for?! Join Gay Adult Chat mobile dating for FREE today!

Gay Phone Chat

Ten Topics To Avoid On A First Date


Men laughing and hugging in field at sunset

You want to secure a second date so make sure you avoid talking about these topics.


  1. Politics.

You don’t need to know what their persuasion is on a first date. This could affect how much you like them/how well the date goes and there’s no need to talk about it. Keep conversation light hearted and get to know each other.


  1. Previous partners.

Do you really want to know what their last partner was like? You’ll probably just end up comparing yourself to them which is never a good thing. You also probably don’t want to know how many previous partners they’ve had or how many dates they’ve been on – it’s never what you want to hear!


  1. Money.

Never ask how much they earn or tell them how much you earn. Either way you won’t come across well. Keep it to simpler topics like hobbies or even just what they do for work.


  1. Religion.

Religion can be a very personal subject. Many people will not agree on religious subjects so it’s best not to bring this into conversation.


  1. Marriage/children.

This is definitely not a topic for a first date! You don’t want to scare them off so don’t bring up commitment until you’re both sure that’s where your relationship is heading.


  1. Work.

You can absolutely find out what each other does for a living but don’t moan about not liking your job or how much you dislike your colleague – your date isn’t interested! Also you don’t know if your date knows anyone you work with so it’s best not to moan about them!


  1. Yourself.

You will of course be talking about yourself when your date asks questions about you but don’t keep talking about yourself unprompted. Ask your date questions about themselves rather than banging on about yourself all the time.


  1. What you’re looking for.

Don’t get into a conversation about what sort of person you’re looking for, it only shows you as being high maintenance or picky (you’re allowed to be picky, just don’t let them know that!).


  1. Your own appearance.

If you put yourself down, your date won’t find this attractive. If you big yourself up they won’t find this attractive either. Let them compliment you if they want to and by all means compliment them but don’t mention your own appearance.


  1. Your family background.

By all means tell them how many siblings you have but there’s no need for any more detail than that, they’re on a date with you, not your entire family!


Get chatting on Gay Adult Chat today and meet local singles!

Gay Pride Events

UK Gay Pride Events 2018

Pride Flag blowing in the wind against a blue but cloudy sky


We’ve compiled a full list of UK pride events throughout 2018 for you to add to your calendar!



9thStudent Gay Pride (University of Westminster, London)

24thHampshire Pride



21stDigital Pride (London)


19thLancaster Pride

26thBirmingham Pride

26thGrampian Pride

28thDurham Pride


2ndOxford Pride

9thCoventry Pride

9thFlintshire Pride

9thYork Pride

16thPride Edinburgh

16thEssex Pride

23rdDublin Pride

30thExmouth Pride


6th – Sparkle in the Park (Manchester)

7thLondon Pride

7thWorksop Pride

14thBristol Pride

14thRotherham Pride

14thThe Pink Picnic – Salford Pride

20thIsle of Wight Pride

20thNorthern Pride (Newcastle)

21stHull Pride

22ndChesterfield Pride

28thLiverpool Pride

28thNorwich Pride

28thWeston Super Mare Pride

29thStockport Pride


4thBrighton Pride

5thLeeds Pride

7thHappy Valley Pride (Hebden Bridge)

18thWarwickshire Pride

24thManchester Pride

25thSouthampton Pride


1st – Totnes Pride

1stReading Pride

7thBig Gay Weekender (Camber Sands Holiday Park, East Sussex)

8th – Channel Islands Pride

Get chatting to loads of single guys near you with Gay Adult Chat‘s great phone chat line and find that special someone to take to your favourite gay pride events!

Gay Phone Chat

Top Ten Tips For Dating On A Chatline


Man sitting on bed smiling whilst talking on phone

Don’t fancy online dating or haven’t had much success? Give Gay Adult Chat a try and chat with people on your phone!

  • If you don’t like the sound of their voice, don’t be put off! People can sound totally different on the phone to how they do in person so if you get on and want to meet up then go for it!
  • If you do get to the point where you decide you want to meet up with them then please be sensible about it. Tell a friend where you are going and make sure you meet them in a public place at a sensible time of day.
  • Don’t give out your personal information on the chat line. If you decide you want to meet up with someone, make the arrangements through the chatline – it’s better to be safe and cautious when meeting people.
  • Set up a personal mailbox so guys can leave you messages when you are not online. It’s easy to do and you get your own account number and PIN so you can access it any time.
  • Record a good introduction message about yourself. Try not to make it too long but you want people to like the sound of you so make sure to highlight your best qualities!
  • Too shy to speak to people directly? Then send a voice message to their mailbox first or even try our text chat service. People text much more than they talk on the phone so why not give it a try?!
  • A picture is worth a thousand words, so why not upload a picture of yourself so guys can download it and check you out?! Please do keep them clean though, otherwise they won’t get past the moderation team.
  • If someone is being nasty, obscene or rude on the service then please report them to the moderators and bar them from contacting you.
  • If you call the service a lot then you might want to try setting up a pre-paid credit card account which will allow you to call the service at a cheaper rate so you’ll get more talk time for your money.
  • Remember to have fun and enjoy it. Dating shouldn’t turn into a chore. Chat and be yourself and this could help you find that special someone.

Give Gay Adult Chat a try today and chat with singles from all over the UK!

Gay Text Chat

Gay Text Chat With Gay Adult Chat

Happy man using mobile phone at home in living room

Don’t want to sign up online or talk to anyone on the phone? Cool! Just pick up your mobile and get profiles sent direct to you. Swap SMS and photos with real guys now!

Create your profile and swap messages with real guys from all over the UK. On the train, in the pub, down the gym – you can do it anywhere! Your mobile number is never given out so it’s private and discreet.

Once you’ve signed up, we will start sending you matches of men in your chosen area to the privacy of your mobile. It’s one of the fastest ways to meet up with guys near you and it’s really simple to do, so give it a try now!

How do I join?

Text the word CRUISE to 79090 – We’ll then send you a text asking your age plus the age of the people you want to chat with, along with some additional information such as your post code. At this stage, all messages are free.

I’ve registered and received my first matches, now what must I do?

Great, it’s easy just simply reply to the text like you would normally and your message will be sent to the sender.

How much does it cost?

Charges will appear on your mobile phone bill for £1.50 for every reverse billed message you receive. This entitles you to send and receive 5 messages with other members. These messages may be a ‘Hi’ message that another member has sent, or chat messages that other members send in response to your ‘Hi’ message. After every 6 reverse billed messages (you’ve spent £9), you’ll be sent a free text message advising how much you’ve spent and inviting you to text MORE if you wish to continue to use the service.

So what are you waiting for?! Get matches on your mobile today with Gay Adult Chat!

Gay News Gay Pride Events

Gay Pride Events 2017

Pride flag blowing in the wind against a blue sky

Full list of UK Gay pride events for 2017 to add to your calendar!



24th-26th Student Pride

25th Hampshire Pride



24th-30th Digital Pride


13th Exeter Pride

27th-28th Birmingham Pride

27th Flintshire Pride

30th Durham Pride


3rd Oxford Pride

9th-11th Blackpool Pride

10th Canterbury Pride

10th-11th Coventry Pride

10th York Pride

24th Dublin Pride

24th Essex Pride

30th-2nd July Bourne Free Pride Festival (Bournemouth)


1st Exmouth Pride

7th-9th Sparkle – The National Transgender Celebration (Manchester)

8th London Pride

8th Bristol Pride

15th Rotherham Pride

21st-23rd Newcastle Pride

22nd Eastbourne Pride

22nd Hull Pride

26th-30th Queer Spirit

29th-30th Liverpool Pride

29th Sheffield Pride

29th Norwich Pride

29th Weston Super Mare Pride

29th Hereford Pride

28th-6th August Belfast Pride



4th-6th Brighton Pride

5th – Burnley Pride

5th-6th Leeds Pride

10th-13th Bicon

12th Plymouth Pride

19th Chester Pride

19th Warwickshire Pride

19th Doncaster Pride

25th Manchester Pride

25th-27th Pride Cymru

26th Southampton Pride


2nd Totnes Pride

2nd Herts Pride

2nd Reading Pride

22nd The Big Gay Weekender (Pontins, Camber Sands)


6th-9th UK Leather Pride (Bristol)




Find a guy to attend a gay pride event near you – get chatting to guys near you with Gay Adult Chat today!